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Module Sources

African Nova Scotian Museum, “Slavery”

Black Loyalist Migration

African Nova Scotian Affairs, “African Nova Scotian Community.”

Caroline Alphonso and Marjan Farahbaksh, The Globe and Mail, “Canadian law only changed 26 years ago”

Hilary Beaumont, The Halifax Media Co-op, “Don't Rape (part 2 of 3)”

Kaity Cooper, Rabble.ca, “Cyber-misogyny: The new frontier for hate

Nicole Etherington, Western University Learning Network, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children, “Cyber Misogyny.”

femifesto, “Debunking Myths About Rape in Prison.”

Government of Ontario, “Dispelling the myths about sexual assault.”

INCITE!, “Dangerous Intersections.”

Just Detention

Shaina Luck, CBC Nova Scotia, “Black, Indigenous prisoners over-represented in Nova Scotia jails.”

The National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, “Racism and Rape.”

National Sexual Violence Resource Center, Key Findings From ‘Sexual Violence Victimization and Associations with Health in a Community Sample of African American Women.

Nova Scotia Archives, “African Nova Scotians in the Age of Slavery and Abolition.”

Office of Justice Programs, “Responding to Transgender Victims of Sexual Assault.”

Anjuli Patil, CBC Nova Scotia, “What happened to Rehtaeh Parsons 'just wouldn't happen now,' says mother.


Rape Crisis Scotland, “This Is Not An Invitation To Rape Me Briefing Paper”.

Rehtaeh Parsons Society

Maire Sinha (edited by) for the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Measuring violence against women: Statistical trends (2013).

This Doesn’t Mean Yes campaign

Trans PULSE, Transgender People in Ontario, Canada Statistics from the Trans PULSE Project to Inform Human Rights Policy.

Tamara Winfrey Harris and Zoe Samudzi, Bitch Magazine, “Being and Reclaiming Ourselves: A Conversation on Sexuality, Respectability, and the Pressures of Black Girlhood”.

UBUNTU and Men Against Rape Culture (MARC), Supporting a Survivor of Sexual Assault.

Jarune Uwujaren, Everyday Feminism, “How Male Sexual Entitlement Hurts Everyone.”

The Wellesley Institute, “Violence Against Women: Why Race Matters.”