You Are Not Alone: A Toolkit for Aboriginal Women Escaping Domestic Violence, Provides Aboriginal women with community safety planning resources to address domestic violence. The toolkit also includes a Who’s Who: Domestic Violence Resource Guide of services available to Aboriginal women in every province and territory.
Our Spirits Are Not For Sale- A Handbook for Helping Sexually Exploited Aboriginal Women and Girls. The primary purpose of this handbook is to provide information on sexual exploitation and sex trafficking to Aboriginal women who think they may be sexually exploited. The secondary purpose is to provide an overview on best practices for front-line workers who work with exploited Aboriginal women.
Men taking a stand to end violence against Aboriginal women and children
Men taking a stand to end violence against Aboriginal women and children
Health Canada has created a brochure to help people cope with emotional reactions to residential school memories.
For more information on both the Non-Insured Health Benefits and Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support programs check out the Guide to Mental Health Counselling Services.
Includes nearly 15 years of reports, campaigns, events and art aimed at bringing #MMIW to the fore.
NWAC Community Resource Guide
An aesthetic response to the more than 1000 missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canada” by Jaime Black.
“A documentary looking into the missing and murdered women along a 724 kilometer stretch of highway in northern British Columbia.”
8-episode Podcast about Alberta Williams, an Indigenous woman who was murdered in 1989. Her case was never solved.
An organization “by and for Indigenous youth that works across issues of sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice throughout the United States and Canada.” Projects include: Two-Spirit & Indigenous LGBTQQIA Mentors, Elders & Grandparents Support Circle and Sexy Health Carnival.
Articles about Indigenous sexuality including moon time, sexuality, puberty, wedding traditions, Two-Spirit identity etc
"We Matter is a national multi-media campaign designed to gather positive messages from people across the country, to offer support for Indigenous youth going through a hard time."
The Montreal urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network has developed a toolkit that breaks down how to be a good ally to Indigenous peoples.
The Wabanaki Two Spirit Alliance strives to “represent the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well-being and interests of Two Spirits and Indigenous LGBTQ+ individuals and groups in Wabanaki Territory”.
Wabanaki Two-Spirit Alliance: It Gets Better! video . Click Here
Hear Patricia Lewis’ Story of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School
Beverley Jacobs, former President, Native Women's Association
Seven stories from seven Mi'kmaq individuals, survivors and descendents of survivors of Canadian Indian Residential Schools. As the stories unfold we realize that our storytellers are speaking for thousands. They are also leading the way to healing for so many who are not yet ready to speak. Traditional healers, along side western practitioners, provide commentary throughout the video.
Dr. Hunt (Kwakwaka’wakw Nation) is an Assistant Professor, First Nations & Indigenous Studies/Geography at the University of British Columbia and a Two Spirit scholar.
video featuring activist Harsha Walia
The role of racism in the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples in Canada
Inspired by true events, BEANS is film about a Mohawk girl on the cusp of adolescence who must grow up fast and become her own kind of warrior during the armed stand-off known as the 1990 Oka Crisis.
Little Bird, is a six-part series about a Sixties Scoop Survivor searching for her birth family.
Aboriginal Multi-Media Association, “Mary Two-Axe Early”
Amnesty International
Assembly of First Nations
Conversations with Heidi Marshall, Cheryl Maloney, Claudette Commanda and members of the Mi’kmaq Advisory Committee.
The Globe and Mail, “Sandra Lovelace Nicholas fought for aboriginal women's rights”
Government of Canada, The Report on the Royal Commission of Aboriginal Peoples
Heart Wood Center for Community Youth Development, Youth Engagement on the Topic of Sexualized Violence in Nova Scotia
Sarah Hunt, Decolonizing the Roots of Rape Culture: reflections on consent, sexual violence and university campuses
Indigenous Health Working Group of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada; Health and Health Care Implications of Systemic Racism on Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Beverly Jacobs and Andrea J. Williams, Speaking My Truth
Isabelle Knockwood, Out of the Depths, 4th Edition
Library and Archives Canada, “Jeannette Vivian Corbiere Lavell”
John McKiggan, “A Tribute to Nora Bernard”
Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat, “Treaty Relationships”
The Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre, Mi’kmawe’l Tan Teli-kina’muemk Teaching About the Mi’kmaq
Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI, Creating an Inclusive School Climate for Aboriginal Learners
Mi’kmaw Spirit, “Mi’kmaw Spirituality – Fasting”
Mi’kmawey Debert
National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls
Native Women’s Association of Canada
Office of Aboriginal Affairs, Government of Nova Scotia
Ontario Native Literacy Coalition, Teachings of the Seven Sacred/Seven Grandfathers
Paq’tnkek Project Implementation Report
Daniel Paul
Janet Silman, Enough is Enough: Aboriginal Women Speak Out, “History of Sipekne’katik”
Statistics Canada, Shannon Brennan; Violent victimization of Aboriginal women in the Canadian provinces (2009)
Status of Women Canada, “Mary Two-Axe Early”
The Thunderbird Partnership Foundation
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
Unama'ki College, Cape Breton University
The Union of Nova Scotia Indians, The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaw, and the Native Council of Nova Scotia; The Mi’kmaw Resource Guide
United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner
University of British Columbia (UBC) Indigenous Foundations
Our Eskasoni, “History of Eskasoni”
Where Are the Children, “Timeline”
Wikipedia, “Canada (AG) v Lavell”
Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples, “First Nation Relationship with the Land”